Recipe: Chilled ramen salad | The Japan Times

2022-08-27 01:24:44 By : Ms. Ella Lee

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Ramen salad is the rustic cousin of hiyashi chūka (cold ramen noodles) and not commonly found outside of Hokkaido. Both are chilled noodle dishes, but where the flavoring of the more well-known dish is thin and dark, Hokkaido ramen salad is usually dressed with thick, silky sesame dressing. Hiyashi chūka is pedantically arranged, ingredients all segregated, whereas ramen salad tends to come mixed with some form of egg on top.

Many goma (sesame) dressing recipes incorporate mayonnaise, which can help with emulsification, but I prefer it without. This recipe makes double the amount you need as it is easier to blend with more volume. Ramen salad is also a good bento filler for summer, but be sure to use an insulated or double-walled bowl to keep it cool.

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